Sunday, May 11, 2014

Asthika Samaj Mandiram

Asthika Samaj Mandiram at Matunga, Mumbai. A typical south Indian temple of Shri. Ram built in south Indian style. Though, by the south Indian standards, its too small, but the beauty of the temple is nothing less than the temples we find in south India. I have captured some portions of the idols adorning the 'gopuram' of the temple instead of trying to capture the temple as a whole. This way, I have attempted to show the details of various scenes demonstrated on the 'gopuram'.

Symbol of the Vaishnava Sect. Since long, I was eager to capture this in my camera.

The main deity. Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita.

View of the main deity from outside.

A demonic design (to ward off evil).

A 'potraj' begging. A typical south Indian gentleman in lungi is trying to avoid him. Clicked in front of saree shop famous for south Indian sarees.

A demonic mask. Hanging in one of the flower shops.

The Garuda. At another temple.

Aurangabad Cityscape

The "Burj" of the city wall which was constructed at the time of Aurangzeb, in Mughal era encircling the entire city. The wall was constructed to protect the city and had 52 "Darwajas" (gates). Such small burj were also provided within the wall to strengthen it and they also served the purpose of guard post where a sentry could stand and keep watch. Now the wall is destroyed and the reamins can be seen in some parts of the city. One such burj is this one at main Octroi Naka.By and large, the remaining portions of wall, burj and the Darwajas are encroached upon.

Replica of Eiffel Tower of Paris, France. It is pouplarly called as mini Eiffel Tower situated at the Town Center area of New Aurangabad.

Replica of the Pyramid situated at the Town Center area of New Aurangabad.

This is where the Pyramid is situated. At the centre of the road, as traffic island!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Pukur, the captive source for fish to every Bengali household. Pukur means a small pond, situated, typically behind the house, where various kind of fish are cultivated. The benefit is that, the home maker can get fresh fish as and when needed. I liked the concept so much that I badly wanted to click it. Here are some snaps at a small village called 'Dankuni'  not very far from Kolkata. 

This shot was clicked from the terrace of the house of our host.

Some portion of the Pukur.

Banana plants being grown by our host around his house.